Tongue Scratching (Jihwa Prakshalana). What? Why? And what…?
As far as I can remember, my parents always told me: brush your teeth! Society knew that the habits of dentists were well established, family, friends. The message is clear: brush your teeth! So I did it and still do it after every meal. I see the dentist every year and everything is fine. Great, I have good teeth! They are so important for good health.
When I did my Yoga training to become a teacher, the topic of tongue scratching came up very early in the health dialogue. Then when I started to study Ayurveda and it resurfaced. I thought, "How can this be so important if I have NEVER heard of this before!" I brush my teeth and floss, isn't that enough? ".
How can this help my body and my digestive system so much? Curious, I decided to give it a try. Well, how surprised I was to realize how "fresh" my mouth was. How clean it was. And damn it, the stuff that came out of my tongue on my scraper: yeark! Well my friend: I was addicted!
Just like a toothbrush, each have their own! I bought one for my partner. He likes the copper type that needs the extra upkeep but hey, what you won't do for a fresh morning kiss!
How it works? At night our digestive system doesn't quite sleep, it works very hard to remove all toxins from the body and then rebuild and repair itself. Anything that doesn't really serve a purpose or that is too hard to digest, the tongue picks up. This is why, as an Ayurvedic specialist, I always watch my client's tongue! It speaks to us.
Everything that the digestive system cannot digest properly "Vla" it comes back to the tongue: toxins (Ama), bacteria, fungi and more. Are you sure you want to put everything back in your system? I certainly don't. I will give my body a break whenever I can.
This is one of the first things I asked my clients to do. The reaction is incredible! Some of them can finally have those bowel movements a day, others think it whets their appetite faster, some clients feel so clean and happy. One thing is certain for everyone: once you start scratching your tongue, you can't stop doing it!
There are a lot of options, but please give yourself a good scratch on your tongue! One thing is certain, the toothbrush is ONLY for the teeth. And the little piece that the big company puts on the toothbrush is NOT a good scratching of the tongue ...
I realize that if I had been born in India, for example, tongue scratching would have been part of my youth but luckily for me there is Ayurveda!
So make an appointment with us. I am sure you will be fascinated by what you can learn!
- Josée Ishwari Marcoux